Windows Terms You Should Know as a Computer Administrator
Are you a computer administrator? Here are the most important Windows Terms You Should Know as a Computer Administrator.
Compatibility Wizard : another platform that tests application compatibility on different OS versions
Disk Partitioning: The letter drives in your computer; logical volumes
System Partition: contains files needed to boot the OS and contains MBR and boot sector of the active partition. Often the first physical drive
Boot Partition: contains win 10 OS files. Located in C:\Windows folder
Active Partition: usually the C: drive; partition used to start your computer
Locale Settings: used to configure format for time, date, and currencies.
Distribution Server: if installing windows 10 from the network
Microsoft Reserved Partition (MSR): boot loader files sit here. (Don't delete this partition) You'll see this in UEFI systems.
Workgroup: connecting non-domain networks. Also known as peer-to-peer connection. More commonly used in small companies or homes.
Domains: Also Domain-controller; A windows server where machine names are stored in Active Directory. Medium to large companies
Media Errors: caused by faulty DVDs or CDs. Your installation disk may be scratched
Hardware Compatibility List (HCL): List of recognized windows 10 compatible hardware
Plug and Play (PNP): Connected accessories and peripherals that work automatically when connected to the computer.
Dynamic Link Libraries (DLL) Application DLL : contains functions and information that can be used by another module
: has migration DLLs used for OS upgrades
Application Compatibility Toolkit (ACT) : tells if your software applications are compatible with Windows 10
TCP/IP Network Resources: enables the internet and computer communications
DHCP : The configured client when windows 10 is installed with typical or default settings
: Provides IP configuration. If DHCP is unavailable, the machine still be assigned an auto configured IP address but will not be able to communicate to DHCP addressed machines and servers.
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